Ling - 外国語レッス‪ン‬ 4+




    • 4.3 • 253件の評価
    • 無料
    • アプリ内課金があります



世界で最も急成長している言語アプリのひとつであり、Appleの「Great Apps For Education賞」にも選ばれたLingアプリで、言語の可能性を広げましょう!




- 難しい言語をサポート:リソースや時間のかかる他のアプリでは提供していない言語をサポート。

- 楽しいレッスン:つまらなかった言語学習をゲーム化し、楽しく効率的に学習。可愛いLingキャラクターを組み合わせることで、モチベーションを維持しながら語学力を身につけることができます。

- 実証済みの学習法:私たちのアプリは綿密に設計され、言語学習の専門家によって開発されたアプリ。長期的な知識の定着を確実にする科学的根拠に基づいた教授法を採用しています。

- 進捗管理: 毎日の勉強を楽しい習慣に変えるために、遊び心のあるご褒美と成果で言語目標を設定し、達成できるよう構成されています。

- 盛んなコミュニティ:世界中の100万人以上の学習者コミュニティへ参加、リーダーボードでモチベーションを維持できます。


「語彙と文法の内容が充実していて、学習のペースが速い」- キルシュ・ラック

「チャットボットはとても革新的なアイディアで、実際に人の声を使ってユーザーと対話するというところが最も印象に残りました」- ヤクト・カスタネド

「Lingアプリをみんなにお勧めしたいです。言語を学ぶのに良いリソースで、特に対話の中で使われている言語を見ることができます」- アレクサンダー


アフリカーンス語 - アルバニア語 - アラビア語 - アルメニア語 - ベンガル語 - ボスニア語 - ブルガリア語 - ビルマ語 - 広東語 - カタロニア語 - 中国語 - クロアチア語 - チェコ語 - エストニア語 - ファルシ語(ペルシア語) - グルジア語 - ヘブライ語 - ヒンディー語 - ハンガリー語 - インドネシア語 - 日本語 - カンナダ語 - クメール語 - 韓国語- ラオス語 - ラトビア語 - リトアニア語 - マラヤーラム語 - マレー語(マレーシア) - マラーティー語 - モンゴル語 - ネパール語 - ポーランド語 - パンジャブ語 - ルーマニア語 - ロシア語 - セルビア語 - スロバキア語 - スロベニア語 - スワヒリ語 - タガログ語 - タミル語 - テルグ語 - タイ語 - トルコ語 - ウクライナ語 - ウルドゥー語 - ベトナム語


- 月額プラン:¥2,200(60言語)
- 年額プラン:¥10,800(60言語)
- 生涯プラン:¥22,000(60言語)
- 7日間の無料トライアル

ご注意: 定期購読は、現在の期間が終了する24時間前までに自動更新を無効にしない限り、自動的にiTunesアカウントから購読料が請求されます。現在の購読を管理し、自動更新を無効にするには、購入後にサブスクリプション・アカウントで設定できます。



ご意見、ご提案、ご質問がございましたら、 までご連絡ください。



バージョン 6.3.8


- レッスンの設定: 音の速度の調整、ローマ字表記の切り替えたなど、楽しく学習できるようカスタマイズが可能!
- バグ修正: 不要なバグを修正、言語習得の道がスムーズになりました。

言語学習の旅は、クリック一つで始められます! Lingを使って、新しい言語を学ぶ喜びを発見しましょう。Lingでの言語学習を楽しんでいただけますか?ユーザ一人一人の声が私たちの成長に繋がるので、App Storeにてフィードバックをいただけると、とても助かります。





Great, but recent changes are misguided

Many good things about the Thai course I’m taking, but it is frustrating that two of the best features have been made less useful or eliminated completely.
In the past it was possible to turn the transcription on and off anytime, but now you have to quit the lesson and go back to the Settings menu to change this. The transcription scheme is actually very good; I just wish we could turn it on when we need a quick check about a tone or a vowel.
The elimination of the vocabulary review feature is really disappointing. Being able to go through a list of twenty or so new vocabulary was a great review, especially combined with the ability to toggle the transcription to test your reading.
The recent update introduced a number of errors, with things being mislabeled and dialogues appearing with the wrong lessons. It’s a good course and I hope the devs are not letting it become neglected.


Hi there! I’m grateful that you love our app. Ling is a wonderful way to learn a new language. The app is very easy to use and has a lot of languages and levels. The lessons are clear, and the language games are fun. I’m learning a lot and having fun with Ling, and I am glad to hear that you are, too. We are still looking into possibly moving the transcription back into the lessons, and our review and chatbot features should help with your desire to review vocabulary.

I think this app is perfect for anyone who wants to learn a new language in a convenient and enjoyable way. Whether you want to travel, work, study, or just have fun, Ling can help you achieve your language learning goals. If you have any feedback or questions, please email me at I’m always eager to hear from you and assist you in any way I can. Cheers! Nick




With other apps, I was dragged down by the phonetic symbols and could not progress in learning. With this App, I can hide the phonetic symbols and use only Thai characters, which makes it easier to learn.
However, there are a few things that bother me: the Japanese translation is obviously wrong even for a beginner like me, and the audio for some listening questions is extremely quiet and difficult to understand. I have reported them in error reports, but from the reviews here, it seems that error reports are meaningless and will not be corrected unless I send an e-mail to the support center. If that were the case, wouldn't there be a need for an error reporting command in the first place? It's a two-step process, and it discourages me from doing it.
I like it, it's simple and easy to use, so please do something about it. I know, you tell me to email you!


Hi! I’m sad to hear that you didn’t like Ling as much as you wanted. I apologize for any issues or problems that you may have encountered. I understand how annoying it can be when an app doesn’t function properly or doesn’t satisfy your needs.

While I am happy that there are parts of the app that you appear to have really enjoyed, it still makes me sad that you ran into some issues. With that in mind, if you run into an issue during a lesson, you should see a circle with an ! inside of it on your screen. If you tap on that and then tap on "Error Report," you can send us a quick message, and it will send me a message with your note and a screenshot of what was on your screen so that we can look into it and try to fix it ASAP as we’re always working hard to improve our app and make language learning more fun and accessible for everyone.

I want to make sure that you have the best possible app for your language learning needs, and that you can learn in a fun and convenient way. Please email me at if you have any feedback on how we can improve our language games. I’m here to support you and make sure that you have a great experience with Ling to learn a new language or three. :) Cheers! Nick


Excellent app worth the premium subscription

This was my favorite app for supplimentary learning and is well worth the premium subscription. What I like compared to other language learning apps is that there is a dialogue at the end of each lesson at native speed or close to it. It gives a chance to see new words in context. There is also a variety of languages that I rarely see material for such as various Indian languages, southeast Asian languages and Eastern European languages. I hope the team continues to expend the curriculum in the future. The one thing I would like to see is medium or long-form reading content such as short stories.


Hello! We truly appreciate your thoughtful and positive review of our language learning app! It's wonderful to hear that you find our premium subscription well worth it for your supplementary learning. We're glad to know that you find value in the features that set us apart from other language learning apps.

We're especially delighted that the dialogue at the end of each lesson, presented at native speed or something close to it, resonates with you. Contextualizing new words within a dialogue is indeed an effective way to enhance language learning. Additionally, we're thrilled that you've noticed and appreciated our diverse range of languages, including those that are not as commonly found in language learning materials. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive learning experience that caters to a wide variety of language enthusiasts.

Thank you for your suggestion regarding medium to long-form reading content, such as short stories. Your feedback is invaluable to us as we continue to evolve and expand our curriculum. We are constantly looking for ways to enhance our offerings and provide our users with a well-rounded language learning experience, and your suggestion aligns perfectly with that goal.

Once again, we are grateful for your support and feedback. We're committed to further improving and enriching our app, and reviews like yours inspire us to keep pushing boundaries. If you have any more ideas or suggestions, please don't hesitate to share them with us at Happy learning, and here's to your continued language journey! -Ethan


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Master Ling - タイ語勉強中 もくもく
Translate Me - 文章、音声 & 写真
Japanese Alphabet - Write Me
Vocly で タイの単語を学習
Vocly で 単語を学習


Innovative Language Learning
Mango Languages: Learning
uTalk - 150以上の言語を学べます
50カ国語 - 50languages
Clozemaster: Language Learning